OpenIHK – Participation and Social Media in the Chamber of Commerce Berlin

The German Industrie- und Handelskammer Structure have a long tradition. The Chamber of Commerces represent the interest of businesses to the politicians, educate and raise awareness for their members, certify professionals and create networks of like-minded entrepreneurs. A company like ikosom is a member by law and the fees depend on the volume of the business.

In 2012, the Chamber of Commerce Berlin elected its Parliament. Beforehand, several new groups emerged which questioned the status quo of the IHK. The candidates asked for more transparency and participation.

The discussion was sometimes quite heated. ikosom made a survey to all candidates and initiated a dialogue. Together with wetek, we also organized a conference called „OpenIHK“ which gave the possibility to directly ask candidates about their visions for the creative industry in Berlin.

The process called „OpenIHK“ inspired some follow-ups, especially at the IHK München.