Gijsbert Koren, Crowdfunding-Berater aus den Niederlanden, wird am 12. und 22. November 2013 in Berlin und München mit uns einen Workshop organisieren. Teilnehmen können alle, die eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne organisieren und sich über Erfolgsfaktoren informieren wollen. Verwendet wird dafür eine neu entwickelte Methode namens Crowdfunding-Canvas.
Crowdfunding is booming. In a few years time, hundreds of crowdfunding initiatives and platforms have been created. Some are extremely successful, while others are not. What is the key to crowdfunding success and how can you use crowdfunding for your project or company? That is what this workshop is all about.
Whether you are an artist, startup or growing company, crowdfunding can be used to raise capital. Next to raising capital, there are many other reasons to use crowdfunding, like engaging your customers and getting more visibility. In this workshop, you will get a good picture about the opportunities and challenges of crowdfunding and how you can use it for your own project or company.
During this workshop, we will use proven tools to create the basis for your crowdfunding success. One of tools is the Crowdfunding Canvas, which you can use to structure campaign.
Gijsbert Koren ist Gründer von Douw&Koren, einer der führenden Crowdfunding-Beratungsfirmen in den Niederlanden. Douw&Koren führt Marktforschung durch, entwickelt Crowdfunding-Staregien und unterstützt Crowdfunding Kampagnen.
Hier kann man die Workshop-Tickets bestellen:
- 3stündiger Workshop in Berlin, 12 November 2013 – 75 Euro
- 3stündiger Workshop in München, 22 November 2013 – 75 Euro (in Kooperation mit dem Crowddialog – Teilnehmer des Crowddialogs können an dem Workshop zum Preis von 49 Euro)
Dies sagen andere Leute über Gijsbert Koren:
“Douw&Koren’s advice resulted in 160% result on Kickstarter ($48,000) and reaching our Symbid target (€75,000) weeks ahead of time! They know what crowdfunding is, they know how to approach a campaign and they were very creative in thinking out of the box for last minute solutions.”
“I enjoyed the crowdfunding workshop that Douw&Koren provide because it was a very useful introduction into the field of crowdfunding. Clearly Douw&Koren are experts on the subject and they enjoy sharing this information with others in a humorous yet professional manner.”
“Douw&Koren gave us a lot of great input for our crowdfunding campaign. Through their advice, we were able to improve our pitch and make our campaign’s message much more succinct. The guys from Douw&Koren have a lot of good ideas and experience in the crowdfunding space.”