Concept Reengineering Exercise: rethinking public spaces in the digital transition

The Berlin-based multi-stakeholder think tank and ideation platform Internet & Society Co:llaboratory ( and the EU Commission’s Onlife Initiative (…), invite to a special open space workshop in Berlin to explore impacts of global ICT developments within the policy context of the Digital Agenda for Europe and debate how the digital transition shakes established reference frameworks, which impact the public space, politics itself, and societal expectations toward policy-making. Invited are experts from academia, civil society, the private sector to think broadly on Europe’s digital agora within a one-day workshop in Germany’s capital.

The  concept paper can be found here: DOWNLOAD PDF

Key topic areas:

  • The blurring of the distinction between reality and virtuality
  • The blurring of the distinctions between people, nature and artefacts
  • The reversal from scarcity to abundance, when it comes to information
  • The reversal from entity’s primacy over interactions to interactions‘ primacy over entities

Location: Hertie School of Governance, Berlin (Map)
Date: July 12    ///    Time: 10:00 – 18:00

10:30 Introduction to the Onlife Initiative: The project, status, relevant issues, topics Nicole Dewandre, Director General Information Media and Society
11:00   Open Space workshop split along topic areas
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Reporting back from Workshops, plenary debate on results
15:30   Guest Impulse on the EU Digital Agenda (Background: 1 / 2)
Nils Hullen, BITKOM e.V.
15:45 Debate on concrete EU digital policy developments
ca. 17:00 End
ab 18:00 Informal Co:llaboratory Community Evening at Maximilian’s (optional)

No prior knowledge necessary. Workshop language will be either German or English.
The workshop’s goal is to narrow down discourse from theory (in the morning) to policy and new framing (afternoon), and provide input for a report part of the Digital Futures project.

Registration is open to everyone (feel free to forward this invitation), but limited to 20 participants. Sign up early for the workshop at THIS LINK or email